Classic Jonny Quest
Jonny Quest Wallpapers
Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image; right-click to download.

Thanks to "CJQ Friend" and others for providing many of these images

© 2000-2023 Lyle Blosser

Here is the current wallpaper image:

GargoyleMural07.png (3.68 Mb, 2650 x 1080)

An interior view of part of Professor Eriksson's castle in Norway from the House of Seven Gargoyles episode.

And in case you missed it, here's the previous wallpaper...

InvisibleMural08.png (3.04 Mb, 2946 x 1080)

Dr. Norman in his (pre-destroyed) laboratory from The Invisible Monster episode; good thing it's on a remote island.

Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses © Hanna-Barbera. All other images, image designs and other image work on this site are ©, © Hanna-Barbera or as noted. Text content is ©, except where noted otherwise, and may not be shared or re-published without the consent of the author. This is strictly a fan-based site, and is in no way affiliated with or approved by Hanna-Barbera or any other organizations, unless specifically indicated otherwise.