Classic Jonny Quest
Jonny Quest Wallpapers
Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image; right-click to download.

Thanks to "CJQ Friend" and others for providing many of these images

© 2000-2024 Lyle Blosser

Here is the current wallpaper image:

InvisibleMural11.png (5.72 MB, 3918 x 1080)

Here we see the Quest VTOL plane on final approach over the heavily-jungled Cave Island nearing Dr. Norman's lab - unfortunately, he's not there any more.

And in case you missed it, here's the previous wallpaper...

FraudulentVolcanoMural04.jpg (3.87 MB, 5863 x 1065)

This is the view of Dr. Zin's lab from the Fraudulent Volcano episode; rather gloomy, no? I wonder what nefarious thoughts he's thinking. All those noxious fumes in that dank basement can't be good for anyone's health, if you ask me.

Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses © Hanna-Barbera. All other images, image designs and other image work on this site are ©, © Hanna-Barbera or as noted. Text content is ©, except where noted otherwise, and may not be shared or re-published without the consent of the author. This is strictly a fan-based site, and is in no way affiliated with or approved by Hanna-Barbera or any other organizations, unless specifically indicated otherwise.