
oceanic research vessel
The Mystery of the Lizard Men, The Dreadful Doll (bottom image), Dragons of Ashida,
Skull and Double Crossbones (top image)
Jacques Cousteau, eat your heart out!

diving bell
The Dreadful Doll
Another nifty device for serious marine studies.

The Dreadful Doll

enemy submarine
The Dreadful Doll
It seems you can't be a bad guy without having a submarine!
(Thanks to John Clark)

personal sub
Skull and Double-Crossbones
Just make sure the big fish don't think it's a small fish!

Coast Guard boat
Skull and Double Crossbones
Complete with a cannon, and siren, plus a long-handled hook for retrieving scuba-diving
dogs. (Thanks to John Clark)

pirate's boat
Skull and Double Crossbones
(Thanks to John Clark)

underwater prober
Pirates from Below
Fully armored, equipped with mechanical arms that could be used to remove a squid
from the viewport, crush an enemy mini-sub, cut through a steel-cable net, and pick
up Bandit by his collar. Built like a cross between a tank and a submarine, it had
an airlock for easy access while submerged, and tank-like treads to propel it across
the sea bottom. It was to be turned over to the U.S. Navy as soon as Dr. Quest had
worked all the kinks out.

enemy boat
Pirates From Below
Too bad this nice little craft got blown up. (Thanks
to John Clark)

enemy mini-subs
Pirates From Below
Neat designs for sleek-looking personal subs! (Thanks
to John Clark)

enemy submarine
Pirates From Below
Hmm...one wonders what happened to this sub after the bad guys hijacked the underwater
prober! (Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for
the image)

the "Sea Quest", a sailing research vessel
Attack of the Tree People
Destroyed by an accidental fire off the coast of Africa. Dr. Quest was apparently
fond of the vessel; he stated "I'm going to miss you, old friend" as they abandoned
ship when the fire raged out of control.

commercial ship
Attack of the Tree People
The captain of this ship pulled Dr. Quest and Race from the sea after the "Sea Quest"
sank, then helped with the search for the boys and Bandit.
(Thanks to Nelson for the image)

The Mystery of the Lizard Men, Pirates from Below, Terror Island
The all-purpose high-speed boat, for both serious and fun use.

The Mystery of the Lizard Men
A cool add-on accessory for the hydrofoil, this allows water skiing at high-speeds!

enemy submarine with elevator tube
elevator tube close-up
The Mystery of the Lizard Men
A must have add-on accessory for any submarine, this allows easy access to the surface
without having to get wet! (Thanks to John Clark)

enemy pursuit boat
Mystery of the Lizard Men
(Thanks to John Clark)

US Navy icebreaker
Arctic Splashdown

enemy submarine
Arctic Splashdown

enemy submarine
House of the Seven Gargoyles
Just don't park under an overhanging glacier if you can't keep the noise down! (Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

House of the Seven Gargoyles
(Thanks to Nelson for the image)

reporters' electric boat
The 'Q' Missile Mystery
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the images)
Quest's electric boat
The 'Q' Missile Mystery
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the images)

enemy pursuit boat
The 'Q' Missile Mystery
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

police boat
The 'Q' Missile Mystery
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

Jade's "junk"
Terror Island
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

Terror Island
(Thanks to Nelson for the image)

Chu Sing Ling's boat
Terror Island
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

The Amazon Queen, a paddle-wheeled river boat
Turu the Terrible
(Thanks to John Clark; thanks to Nelson for the image)

Pursuit of the Po-Ho, Treasure of the Temple, Turu the Terrible
Primary locomotion for native peoples, but used by the Quests on occassion as well.(Thanks to John Clark)

speed boat
Pursuit of the Po-Ho
Although not normally recommended, one can go body surfing behind this boat, if
one has a decent mat to ride on and a good strong hold on the tow rope.