Jonny's mother
Mystery of the Lizard Men
The first episode is the only time that Jonny's mom is even mentioned. She is not
shown, no name is given, nor is it explained how she died, but it is important to
note that she is established as deceased. It is also her death (presumed to be as
a result of some sort of foul play, but see our FAQ
for more on this topic) that establishes the key relationships for the rest
of the cast. Without her premature demise, would Race have been assigned to his
role as bodyguard and tutor? Would Jonny have traveled the world with his father?
Drena Hartman

Pursuit of the Po-Ho
Red-haired Drena Hartman of Oterante Station Number One appears throughout the episode.
She is the wife and scientific partner of Emil Hartman, an old friend of Dr. Quest.
Drena is a fully-contributing member of the Oterante team; she understands the Po-Ho
drums and translates what they are saying for the Quest Team.
airport tower announcer
Riddle of the Gold
Heard over the airport announcement system saying: "Your attention please, your
attention please! Will the owner of the dog answering to the name of Bandit please
report to the Information Desk?"
airport information desk attendant

Riddle of the Gold
This person got to witness some sleight-of-hand from Hadji up close and personal!
Although she says nothing, her face showed surprise and amazement - after all, a
dog doesn't disappear into thin air every day.
airline attendant

Riddle of the Gold
Another surprised airline employee, this time courtesy of Bandit. The attendant
had just served Jonny his meal, and had turned away to deliver Hadji his tray, when
Bandit snagged Jonny's steak and dashed off. "Goodness!", said the attendant. "Did
you finish that steak already?" To which Jonny could only reply with a shrug and
a sheepish smile, "Uh...well, I'm just a growing boy!"
Did anyone else notice that all the women in Riddle
of the Gold have red hair?
Denise Lor

The Dreadful Doll
A young girl (another "redhead"!) approximately the same age as Jonny and Hadji,
Denise is the daughter of Philipe Lor, a plantation owner on the island of Tobago.
Denise is the victim of a "voodoo" attack, which Dr. Quest discovers is actually
drug-induced. Dr. Quest creates an antidote and saves Denise. At the end of the
show, she praises Jonny and Hadji for rescuing Race, saying the two are "so, so
brave." She then rewards each one with a kiss on the cheek, and Hadji says, "it
is not good to be brave." Then Denise says she’ll let the boys each kiss her and
gets upset when the lads run away. Dr. Quest jokes that Denise may have to wait
ten years for the boys to have that kind of courage.
"Jezebel" Jade

Double Danger
Billed in early promotional materials for the show as a "woman of mystery", Jade
certainly carries an aura of mystique and intrigue about her. Her raven-haired good
looks provide a striking counterpart to the typical female character seen in the
show. The first appearance of Jezebel Jade is in Double
Danger; she arrives in the jungle on "business with Race, naturally",
and just in time to save the boys from a night-stalking leopard. Soon, she identifies
Race’s double as a fake with a single kiss. Later, when the boys ask how she knew
the man in camp was not Race, she answers, "There are some ways a woman cannot be
fooled." Finally, she saves Race, herself, and the boys (with a timely assist from
her helicopter pilot), and says she will charge Race 5000 pound sterling for the
escape. At the end of the show, she kisses the real Race and remarks, "There’s only
one Race Bannon!"
"Jezebel" Jade

Terror Island
The only female character seen in more than one episode, Jade shows a little more
of her character and background in Terror Island.
When Race comes to her for help, he meets her on what is thought to be her boat
anchored in Hong Kong harbor. When Race lets slip that he suspects Jade may know
something about Dr. Quest's disappearance, she replies "I almost never kidnap my
friends...for money, that is." She agrees to take on the case, and is seen travelling
around Hong Kong searching for answers, getting tough when the situation calls for
it. When Race gets impatient and heads off to find Dr. Quest on his own, it turns
out that Jade will salvage a bad situation, saving Race, Dr. Quest and the boys.
She angrily retorts "I'm disappointed in you, Race; I left you a note saying I'd
handle this!" followed by "Wait til you get my bill!" But in the end, her fondness
for Race shows through when she willingly accepts his "down payment", although the
scene prompts Jonny to say "That's a good lession for us, Hadji. When we grow up
everything's going to be strictly cash!"

Terror Island
Jade's maidservant. In her concern for Jade, she tells Race where Jade (and Dr.
Quest) can be found.
Photo Girl

Terror Island
Taking a photo of the Quests at a restaurant under the pretext of giving them a
souvenir, she uses the photo to identify Dr. Quest to a couple of thugs apparently
hired by Chu Sing Ling.