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Classic Jonny Quest Original Art
These examples of original art by JQ fans are dedicated
to Doug Wildey, 1922-1994, the man behind the phenomenon that is Jonny Quest.
It was Mr. Wildey who, at the request of Hanna-Barbera in the early 1960's, developed
the character, look and overall atmosphere of the animated adventures of Jonny that
were first broadcast in 1964. It is with deep respect for the quality work produced
by this man and his talented team that this site presents art by fans of Jonny Quest.
We hope you enjoy it!
How do I submit contributions?
Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses, © Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page are © by the artist.
As always, click on the thumbnails to see larger versions.
BumbleBee'sGirl submitted these images of the front and back cover for a comic book (unfortunately the comic itself doesn't exist). The following inforation was provided along with the images:
Beware of Snake Island by BumbleBee'sGirl of JC'sGirls
4 days to draw & shade page 1/front cover (Jonny & Hadji), 5 days to draw & shade page 2/back cover (Race, Dr. Quest, & Jade), 1 day to draw & shade the Jonny Quest logo on page 3 and
1 day to draw & shade the title words on page 4. The days counted are the days on which I worked, not from dawn to dusk obviously. These are also not listed entirely in order, the words were done as a form of "break" from page 1.
4 pieces of 8.5x11 standard printing paper. The Jonny Quest logo & title words were on separate pieces of paper which where then applied on the computer to the front cover. All was hand drawn with a mechanical pencil.
A few less hairs in my head from all the hair pulling that went on during this project.
On the first page of the two boys, Jonny was easier, Hadji not so much. Bandit can go both ways, but with him being so small.... The mongoose, on Hadji's shoulder, was sort of hard.
The adults' page was both easier & harder at the same time. When this picture was originally thought up Jade was not present, but then to cover up more of the scenery...she was included.
Same for the bush in the lower left hand side, it is the very rare "cover up Dr. Quest's right lower leg bush".
Based on the standard 31 issue run Comico Jonny Quest covers but also the 3 Classics by Mr. Doug Wildey. Fans of Mr. Chuck Jones's work may recognize a nod to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi as well.
I/we of JC'sGirls started rewatching the original Jonny Quest this past summer. I came in contact with the Comico comics that one of the JC'sGirls was buying up like they were going out
of style (yeah, maybe so but aren't you glad now?). After a talk with the other 2 JC'sGirls we brainstormed about what pictures I might draw. The picture is all my own idea, drawing from
Mr. Wildey's style. Thanks also to a Mr. C.S. for the trees & other foresty things. I did a jungle forest previously & did not wish to repeat the style so soon & so opted for a normal
forest instead.
There is no comic idea behind the cover, just a stand alone image. (Please do not ask for a comic!)
Thanks for looking & have a blessed day!
BB'sG of JC'sGirls
Scott Brooks
Scott Brooks is an artist working in a broad spectrum of illustration and media venues. Visit his website at
Stormer Brooks Illustration for more details.
Another excellent reason to visit Scott's website is the
digital Jonny Quest comic book he presents there. Sporting an original story (
Hordes of the Khan) and artwork by Scott including an exclusive centerfold poster (see below) and some neat extras, this is something that is definitely not to be missed!
Cover to Scoot's Jonny Quest comic book
Centerfold embedded in Scoot's Jonny Quest comic book
Scott even animated a
short .MOV clip of some action from the comic, which he has provided for us to display here!
(Note: large download: 28.3 MB)
And finally (at our request) Scott provided a
wonderful write-up detailing a ton of behind-the-scenes info about the creation of the comic. Enjoy!
Dusty Abell
Dusty Abell is an artist working in the animation industry since 2000, serving as a character designer at Warner Brothers Animation since 2009. Prior to that he worked as a pencil artist in the comic book industry, mostly for DC Comics. Visit his website at and his Deviant Art page at
Martin Proctor

Jonny Quest character sketches

various characters including Jonny Quest, the Fantastic Four, and more

The Reel Adventures of Jonny Quest

Winged Pursuit

Turnabout is Fair Play
Vanessa S. Quest
Media: watercolor, 8 x 10 inches
Vanessa writes: The fan art is because of that Huckleberry Hound comic and is
reimagined, watercolor, titled Time Out by Vanessa S. Quest (or anon)
Tina Schmidt
Media: Uncertain, but appears to be acrylic paint, 5 x 10 inches
Tina Schmidt is an artist who specializes in art using a style reminiscent of the
so-called "modern" art seen in the mid-20th century. The artwork shown here
(which seems to be based on
Mystery of the Lixard Men) was done for someone who
won an auction in which the prize was art with an animation theme. Schmidt can be
contacted on her website at:
in case anyone wishes to purchase or commission any JQ (or other) art.
(Thanks to Jim Alexander for the submitting
the image and supplying Tina's info.)
Todd Fox
Media: Permanent Marker on 28 lb. paper, 11 x 17 inches
Todd writes:
Like most genre enthusiasts of my generation,
Classic Jonny Quest is just a part of our basic education, and I'm a big fan. This
piece was created as a friend's gift for Christmas, 2011. My attempt was to try
something different than a standard group shot. I was always fascinated with the
Quest hovercraft, so I included that in the drawing. Because my memory was sketchy
on the details, I was fortunate that scans of the original designs were featured
here on
Todd Fox has been drawing comics since 1989, and has worked for such publishers
as Marvel (drawing Wolverine and The Punisher), Image, Now Comics and Eclipse. Todd
accepts commission requests, and can be reached via, where you can see his current comics project,
Aym Geronimo and the PostModern Pioneers.
(Thanks to Jim Alexander for the submitting
the image and supplying Todd's info.)
Eric Clark
Media: Digital
Here's another submission by way of Lance Falk. He writes:
Here's one I thought you'd like. My friend and colleague
Eric Clark is learning how to paint digitally and decided to do a practice piece
based on my Robot Spy doodle. Feel
free to display it.
Thanks, Eric and Lance!
Madeleine Fisher
Media: digital
The piece was all done digitally, using The GIMP, at 5.963 in x 4.640 in. and 600
dpi. Madeleine's blog, which has more of her art, is at Click on the thumbnail to see a larger
version of the image.
Susan Dundas
Media: pencil
These are Susan's vision of our heroes (from the "Real Adventures" time-frame) as
they might appear if they were "real persons" who sat for a portrait sketch. Click
on the thumbnails to see a larger image.
Jay Fosgitt and Evan Shaner

ink, watercolor
Submitted by Erin Morris, who wrote initially to say:
I have a really detailed commission in progress from two very talented artists (one
a huge JQ fan). It's a JQ/Tintin crossover.
When asked for more details, she continued:
I thought
these two characters shared simular ideals and really had a lot in common without
ripping each other off. Eccentirc names, Noble, atheletic, love of intrigue and
adventure, loyal dogs they communicate well with, mothers dying from a mystery illness
when they were younger in a comic, etc. I just thought they would click if they
ever ran into each other. Not to mention, I just happen to love both characters.
We think this is cool, too, and offer this
link to the wikipedia entry for Tintin for those who want to learn more
about the comic strip and the artist, Hergé.
Neil LaPierre

Media: stencils
and spray paint on canvas
Neil wrote:
I am a student at NSCAD University in Nova
Scotia majoring in print making. I made this piece for an art show held at the school
gallery last semester. The title of the piece is: "Race" Bannon. It is made up out
of stencils and spray paint. It is on a canvas that is 3'X3'. Below is my artist
statement that was printed in the book handed out to people who came to the opening.
Pteranodon in the Sky! Business Casual Apparel! Ready for action! On an ambiguous
background and setting. White. These are four out of seven of the themes in my painting
" 'Race' Bannon". The other three include attractiveness, 'Race' Bannon and miscellaneous
theme. 'Race' Bannon can be seen in his khakis and red shirt frequently as depicted
on my art square. He also can be spotted on occasion sporting beach party wear,
khakis on the beach and of course suede vests. What an Action! What a Bazooka! What
a man!
I'm a huge fan of the original Jonny Quest series, and I idolize the original Race.
I did this piece because I feel like Race isn't anything people want him to be.
He certainly is not the man depicted in the second series, or any other cameos he
has had on Cartoon Network shows (Harvey Birdman and the Venture Bros.).
Rich Blatt and
Teacher Rich Blatt from Katy, Texas does a lot to promote the classic Jonny Quest
show to his students. He writes:
I have many of my fifth graders going to your website
to both look at the goodies (including their teacher's drawing and other items)
and use the wallpaper for their computers.
The fifth grade has a reward activity for the well-behaved students called "extravangaza"
at the end of every six weeks. I offer a choice called "Jonny-Quest class" and I
had over thirty students in my last extravaganza on my last day with the students
in mid-December. Some of my students asked their parents for the DVD set for Christmas!
Thanks much, Rich, for your efforts to keep Jonny Quest in the minds of your students;
we think if more people followed the ideals of Jonny, Hadji, Dr. Quest and Race
today, the world would be a better place. Click on the link above to see artwork
from Rich and his students.
Steve Rude - comic artist
Even though created by a professional artist,
these images still qualify as "fan art" -- extremely high-quality fan art!
Kent Steine - artist, illustrator. See
his bio here.

Media: pencil
Comments from the artist:
[This sketch originated as] a "dumb" play on Quetong
Missle Mystery and Race saying "Looks like we'll have to take care of this one
the hard way". That's really all it started as. A kind of joke. Also, Race is not
an easy character to draw on-model. "Our" Race anyway. So It was as much a study
in trying to capture not only his facial features, but his physique, posture and
other physical mannerisms.
Russel Tingle

R. Tingle, 2008.
Media: computer-generated
Comments from the artist:
While learning a new 3D application (Modo), I decided
to build the Para Power Ray for fun as my first 'tutorial' model. Though it could
use quite a bit of additional work to improve it, I need to focus on other priorities
instead - thus I'm submitting this 'final' image to the Classic Jonny Quest community
for their enjoyment.
Frank Dietz - a former Disney
Animation artist and award-winning "Classic Monster Artist"

Media: pencil
on Disney Feature animation paper; 10.5 x 13 inches
Comments from the artist:
Jonny Quest was my favorite show as a child, and remains
one of my all-time favorite television series. I recently did this interpretation
of "Turu The Terrible," just for fun. I thought you guys might enjoy it. I'm planning
on a few more interpretive JQ characters. Can't wait to do "The Invisible Monster"
in watercolor!
View Frank's website at
Loston Wallace - comic artist

Media: pencil,
8.5 x 11 inches.
Some comments from the artist:
I did the head sketches in about 10 minutes. I drew
it on simple 8 1/2" X 11" copy/typing paper with a 2-h pencil. Not much more to
tell other than I did the characters from memory (and therefore must apologize if
some of the details aren't correct). When time permits, I hope to do a pen and ink
action sketch for the site--full body shots this time (heh), and also Bandit! I
have been a fan of Doug Wildey for years. I own one of Wildey's Sgt. Rock pages,
and I actively seek out and collect back issues of his work from Black Hawk to Rio.
The Movie Cowboy Book, a collection of Wildey's western pin-ups is one of my most
prized possessions, in a studio filled with artistic treasues. I proudly display
the complete JQ resin statues set in on a top shelf within this sanctuary of fandom.
Here is
a colorized version of the image above. Loston writes:
I started to play around in Photoshop today and did a decent "quick and dirty" coloring
job on the piece.
And here is
another version that includes Bandit.
Lon Ryden - artist, illustrator

Media: 14 x 17
inches; pastels and pencils -- with ink as an afterthought. This Quest-themed montage
was done as a commission for another fan.
Daniel Scott Gabriel Murray
"Quest image 1"
© Daniel Scott Gabriel Murray, 2003.
Media: computer-generated
"Quest image 2"
© Daniel Scott Gabriel Murray, 2003.
Media: computer-generated
Click on the images or titles to see larger versions.
Contact Daniel and see more of his work at the
All Night
Light and Power Company.
David McAdoo - storyboard artist

© 1999,
David McAdoo. Media: pencil, 18 x 24 inches.
Click on image to see bigger version.
Some comments from the artist:
As far as background on the piece, it was done just
last year, '99, and there wasn't any particular episode in mind, I was really just
trying to capture the essence of the original series in a more modern and realistic
style. The "Quest 1" logo was added last minute as part of the modernization of
the piece. I put it in to kind of give it a new-look logo. At the time I started
it I had been trying to visualize what actors the studios would get if they made
a live action, big budget movie of the classic Quest show. This started the creative
juices flowing and I thought it would be cool to see everyone realistically. I like
my work but nothing can beat that '60's style of comic art.
I have always drawn Jonny and the gang, usually in my own style and usually as realistic
as I can, and I have quite a few at this point but I wouldn't say that it's a series.
Although that's a cool idea I might toy with in the future.
Lance Falk
"Robot Spies" © Lance Falk, 2000. Media: MS Paint
Lance writes:
It's a piece I did on MS Paint (the most
primitive drawing program in existance!) while on break during a computer class
I took last year. It's my first ever digital piece of art and I did it without the
benefit of reference over a a trio of 15 minute periods! I'm going to learn Lightwave
in the coming year and you may see an animating, photo real version of this very
thing in 2001. One can hope, Lance! Click on the image or title to see
a larger version.
Mario Merino
"The classic JQ SST-style jet", © Mario Merino, 1998. Media: computer-generated
<---Select to see larger image
Ina Simon Artist contact:

"Classic Jonny Quest",
© Ina Simon, 1998. Media: pencil
9 x 12 inches; HB and 5B leads on white drawing paper
Other images by the artist:
Jonny and Hadji enjoying a moment
(water color) ...inspired from a shot in "Arctic Splashdown" when Jonny and Hadji
were laughing at Bandit's antics.
Bandit is not afraid of monsters
(water color) ...based on a scene in "The Invisible Monster" when Jonny and Hadji
pretend to be a monster to help Bandit get over his fear.
A portrait of Dr. Benton C. Quest
Hadji's reaction to Jonny's wild claims
in _House of Seven Gargoyles_
John Karpinski Artist contact: Gary Karpinski
"Jonny Quest from Doug Wildey poster" © John Karpinski, 1999. Media:
John reportedly sketched this based on the famous Doug Wildey 1986 poster image
-- and he did it in about 30 seconds! John is Gary Karpinski's uncle, and is a professional
artist and art instructor.
Marc Hempel - artist for the Comico Jonny
Quest comic books.

Technically, this is still
"fan art" - even though it was done by a professional artist who worked on a JQ
project. This fun picture from the "Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Edition" publication
features the Jonny Quest cast, with Bandit tugging on Jade's swim suit ala the Coppertone
Tanning lotion ad.
Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses © Hanna-Barbera.
All other images, image designs and other image work on this site are
©, © Hanna-Barbera or as
noted. Text content is ©, except where noted otherwise,
and may not be shared or re-published without the consent of the author.
This is strictly a fan-based site, and is in no way
affiliated with or approved by Hanna-Barbera or any other
organizations, unless specifically indicated otherwise.